11 Survival Myths That Could Kill You

Myth: Eat snow to stay hydrated

Survival Myths Than Can Kill You

If you are dying of dehydration in a field full of snow, the temptation may come to just eat the white powder. Don’t. Snow contains less frozen water than cold air, meaning you are going to freeze far sooner than you are going to be satisfied in your thirst. Melt the snow first, always.

 Myth: Punch a shark in the nose if you are attacked

Survival Myths Than Can Kill You

Okay, most people will never be put in this position. Still, if you come face to face with a shark and you have to fight to survive don’t waste time going for the nose. Attack the shark by clawing at the eyes and gills of the creature. Sharks, like any living being, will want to protect their ability to breathe and see.

Myth: Drinking alcohol will keep you warm

Survival Myths Than Can Kill You

No, drinking alcohol will make you feel warm. You will actually end up leaking that warmth before it ever benefits you. And now you’re drunk, so survival just got that much harder.