How Did These Even Fly? 17+ of History’s Most Bizarre Aircrafts

Most Bizarre Aircrafts


Aircraft carriers are the heart of the United States Navy and the anchors of the US seapower. Many different kinds of planes have been designed and decomissioned over the years as we learn more about flying. Did you know that Man has been flying for over a thousand years? In fact, in 1010 AD the English Benedictine monk Eilmer flew for just about 200 meters using a glider. Since the evolution of aircraft technology,  a plane will land every 3 seconds somewhere in the world. Some carriers are now worth up to $13 billion and can last up to 50 years! Now that’s impressive, but let’s not forget the aircrafts of the past.

Thanks to InkTank you can click here to see the craziest designs that we can’t believe have actually taken flight!