This Innovative Woodworker Created An Acoustic Guitar from Scratch

As with many artistic endeavors, woodworking often takes on a life of its own. While examining pieces of wood for one project, woodworkers begin thinking of all the innovative ways they could use that wood. Before they know it, their mind is already putting together a plan to make those ideas a reality. Woodworking, then, is not a passive hobby; to love this art is to constantly look for new ways to use it.

Wondering About Wood

Acoustic Guitar

The woodworker instantly recognized the musical potential of these ziricote sides, but didn’t yet know how to build a guitar. Rather than let this stifle the project, they enrolled in guitar making classes.

Sound Hole Savvy

Acoustic Guitar

The first step in producing the guitar was to mark a section of the wood where the sound hole would go. This ensured that no matter what design choices the woodworker made, there would always be room for this essential piece.

Abalone Application

Acoustic Guitar

Rather than cut first and design later, our woodworker did both simultaneously in a holistic process. They began by embellishing the sound hole with blue abalone.

Shape Specifications

Acoustic Guitar

After putting the abalone decoration in place, the designer cut the top and back of the guitar out, providing a precise shape to work with.