This DIY Enthusiast Turned a Pile of Scrap Into a Gorgeous Reclaimed Wooden Table

When life gives you lemons then you make lemonade. In that same fashion, if someone dumps off a load of scrap wood in your front yard then you get out your tools and start crafting. One man, who goes by the username Badgergeddon, was miffed to find a load of throwaway scrap wood in front of his house one morning. Instead of paying the disposal fee he decided to make the coolest table you have ever seen by utilizing his own DIY skills. Keep on reading and be amazed as one dude turns a load of junk into a fabulous piece of furniture.

Imagination and creativity needed

coffee table

Let’s be completely honest here. Who could look at this pile of scrap wood and see anything other than junk? Creativity and imagination are absolutely required when it comes to succeeding in the DIY world. Most people would see a collection of junk on the ground but not Badgergeddon.

We need more wood

coffee table

Even with this free pile of wood, more is still needed. Badgergeddon turns to his cellar where he has his own collection of scrap on hand. His advice to potential DIY-fanatics is simple: “Everyone with a cellar should own a pile of random wood.” Words to live by, right?

 Bust out the measuring tape

coffee table

Badgergeddon takes a different approach to his projects than most people. Instead of drawing up a design and cutting down his wood he chooses to work in reverse. First, he cuts all of the wood to equivalent sizes. His theory is that he’d rather work to the advantage of his scrap wood rather than try to bend it to his will. There is some wisdom in that way of thinking.

Evening out the detail

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None of the scrap wood really matches so it is important to address this problem early. What we see here is a wooden plane being used to smooth out and tidy up the surface of the wood. What is a wooden plane?