40 Camping Hacks That Could Save Your Weekend in the Woods!

Is there anything out there more enjoyable than camping underneath the stars while a nice fire keeps you warm? Alright, there are probably a ton of things more enjoyable, but camping is still pretty darn cool. Just because we like the idea of ‘roughing it’ every once in awhile in the woods, it doesn’t mean that we don’t like to have a good time while we do it! So, listed below you will find 40 carefully curated camping tips (say that fives time fast!) that can improve your next weekend in the woods! From comfort improvement techniques to survival skills, these camping hacks have it all.

Save your skin with sage


All creatures big and small serve a purpose in the world, right? Well, we could still do without mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are the bane of every camper’s trip so use this camping hack as often as possible. Burning sage in your campfire will keep the mosquitoes at bay. You can also buy sage oil and use it as a skincare repellent for the biting bugs.

  Light up your tent with a jug of water


Flashlights can be lifesavers when you are traipsing through the woods but they don’t quite cut it in your tent. For some nice and soft light try strapping a head lamp to a jug of water. You’ll get a nice and soft glow that lights up the tent without burning your eyes out of your head.

Stave off Lyme disease by saving your ticks


Bugs are pretty much the worst thing about camping, right next to poison ivy. Ticks, more than any other insect, can be the most problematic. Ticks are vile creatures that carry Lyme disease — something you don’t want to have. If you or a friend end up getting bit by a tick consider throwing it into a container to get it tested. Lyme disease is treatable if you catch it early!

Use this acorn whistle to prevent getting lost!


We’ve never looked at an acorn and thought, “Hey that might be useful.” But now that we are in the woods we have a whole new appreciation. Use an acorn as a whistle, as shown in the image, to help stay in touch with your other campers. Getting lost can be a real problem, especially in places with no cell reception.